I have a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics from the University of São Paulo - USP, Brazil. I also have a degree in Information Security Technology from the Faculdade Estadual de Tecnologia de Ourinhos - SP (FATEC - Centro Paula Souza - Brazil), a specialist in Computer Networks and a Master's in Bioinformatics, both from the Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR), Brazil. I am a Member of both the Steering Committee and Activities Committee for the Global South Artificial Intelligence for Pandemic and Epidemic Preparedness and Response Network (AI4PEP). I have experience in Computer Science, with an emphasis on artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, metaheuristics, computational biology, and data mining. My objectives are to contribute to society, generating Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions that directly impact the lives of people who need them. Currently, I have been working on building solutions to democratize AI, specifically Machine Learning (ML) in biology. So far, our studies have generated results that can be applied in the study of biological sequences, having a high potential to significantly reduce the experience required to use AI/ML pipelines, helping researchers in combating various problems, such as diseases that directly impact people's lives, mainly in low- and middle-income countries, giving biologists and other stakeholders, an opportunity for widespread use of these techniques. Our studies have achieved awards and publications in high-impact journals. In 2021, our project called BioAutoML was elected by LARA-Google among the 24 most promising ideas in Latin America (24 awarded projects from a base of 700 submissions), winning the Google Latin America Research Awards (LARA), promoted by Google. In 2022, the same project was a finalist (Top 15 of 82) in the Ideas Contest, Falling Walls Lab Brazil 2022, promoted by the Falling Walls Foundation (DAAD - German Center for Science and Innovation). I was awarded two scholarships to conduct my research in Germany (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - Leipzig, Saxony, Germany), among them: (1) Research & Training Grant/Award - Federation of European microbiological Societies (FEMS); (2) Helmholtz Visiting Researcher Grant/Award - Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HIDA). Moreover, my project, called BioFatecou, which aims to introduce undergraduate students to the conscious use of AI (AI for good), was a finalist in the Higher Education Category (Among the 10 finalists - 2897 subscribers), Transformer Educator Award, which aims to select the most transformative projects in Brazil, 2023. In the same year, the BioFatecou project won an honorable mention (more than 200 submissions), in the 25th edition of the Professor Mário Palmério Top Educational Award. Also, in 2023, AutoAI-Pandemics was selected as one of the most promising proposals (a total of 221 proposals from 47 countries) in a global competition, held by the Global South Artificial Intelligence for Pandemic and Epidemic Preparedness and Response Network - AI4PEP. Finally, two projects guided by me were finalists in Falling Walls Lab Brazil 2023, with the project "Breaking the Wall of Fake News" being the winner of the year.
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Bio-Inspired Computing
Computational Intelligence
[Access] CARVALHO, A. C. P. L. F.; MENEZES, A. G.; BONIDIA, R. P. Data science - Fundamentals and Applications (Portuguese). 1. ed. LTC - Grupo Gen, 2024. v. 1. 376p.
12 - [Link][IF 2021: 4.400] FLORENTINO, BRUNO RAFAEL; PARMEZAN BONIDIA, ROBSON; SANCHES, NATAN HENRIQUE; DA ROCHA, ULISSES N.; DE CARVALHO, ANDRÉ C.P.L.F. BioPrediction-RPI: Democratizing the prediction of interaction between non-coding RNA and protein with end-to-end machine learning. COMPUTATIONAL AND STRUCTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL, v. 23, p. 2267-2276, 2024.
11 - [Link][IF 2021: 3.600] AVILA SANTOS, ANDERSON P.; DE ALMEIDA, BRENO L. S.; BONIDIA, ROBSON P.; STADLER, PETER F.; STEFANIC, POLONCA; MANDIC-MULEC, INES; ROCHA, ULISSES; SANCHES, DANILO S.; DE CARVALHO, ANDRÉ C.P.L.F. BioDeepfuse: a hybrid deep learning approach with integrated feature extraction techniques for enhanced non-coding RNA classification. Rna Biology, v. 21, p. 1-12, 2024.
10 - [Link][IF 2021: 13.994] BONIDIA, ROBSON P; SANTOS, ANDERSON P AVILA; DE ALMEIDA, BRENO L S; STADLER, PETER F; DA ROCHA, ULISSES N; SANCHES, DANILO S; DE CARVALHO, ANDRÉ C P L F. BioAutoML: automated feature engineering and metalearning to predict noncoding RNAs in bacteria. Briefings in Bioinformatics, v. 1, p. 1-13, 2022.
9 - [Link][IF 2021: 2.738] BONIDIA, ROBSON P; SANTOS, ANDERSON P AVILA; DE ALMEIDA, BRENO L S; STADLER, PETER F; DA ROCHA, ULISSES N; SANCHES, DANILO S; DE CARVALHO, ANDRÉ C P L F. Information Theory for Biological Sequence Classification: A Novel Feature Extraction Technique Based on Tsallis Entropy. Entropy, v. 24, p. 1398, 2022.
8 - [Link][IF 2021: 2.838] MATOS, EVERTON ALEX; PARMEZAN BONIDIA, ROBSON; SIPOLI SANCHES, DANILO; SANTOS POZZA, ROGÉRIO; DIAS HIERA SAMPAIO, LUCAS. Pilot Sequence Allocation Schemes in Massive MIMO Systems Using Heuristic Approaches. Applied Sciences-Basel, v. 12, p. 5117, 2022.
7 - [Link][IF 2021: 13.994] BONIDIA, ROBSON P; DOMINGUES, DOUGLAS S; SANCHES, DANILO S; DE CARVALHO, ANDRÉ C P L F. MathFeature: feature extraction package for DNA, RNA and protein sequences based on mathematical descriptors. Briefings in Bioinformatics, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2022.
6 - [Link][IF 2020: 11.622] BONIDIA, ROBSON P; SAMPAIO, LUCAS D H; DOMINGUES, DOUGLAS S; PASCHOAL, ALEXANDRE R; LOPES, FABRÍCIO M; DE CARVALHO, ANDRÉ C P L F; SANCHES, DANILO S. Feature extraction approaches for biological sequences: a comparative study of mathematical features. Briefings in Bioinformatics, v. 00, p. 1-20, 2021.
4 - [Link][IF 2019: 3.745] BONIDIA, ROBSON P.; MACHIDA, JAQUELINE SAYURI; NEGRI, TATIANNE C.; ALVES, WONDER A. L.; KASHIWABARA, ANDRE Y.; DOMINGUES, DOUGLAS S.; DE CARVALHO, ANDRE C.P.L.F.; PASCHOAL, ALEXANDRE R.; SANCHES, DANILO S. A Novel Decomposing Model with Evolutionary Algorithms for Feature Selection in Long Non-Coding RNAs. IEEE Access, v. 1, p. 1-15, 2020.
3 - [Link][IF 2019: 3.163] RODRIGUES, LUIZ; BONIDIA, ROBSON; BRANCHER, JACQUES. Procedural versus human level generation: Two sides of the same coin?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, v. 141, p. 102465, 2020.
2 - [Link] PARMEZAN BONIDIA, ROBSON; DUILIO BRANCHER, JACQUES; MARQUES BUSTO, ROSANGELA. Data Mining in Sports: A Systematic Review. IEEE Latin America Transactions, v. 16, p. 232-239, 2018.
1 - [Link] BONIDIA, ROBSON P.; RODRIGUES, LUIZ A. L.; AVILA-SANTOS, ANDERSON P.; SANCHES, DANILO S.; BRANCHER, JACQUES D. Computational Intelligence in Sports: A Systematic Literature Review. Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, v. 2018, p. 1-13, 2018.
[Google Scholar] [ResearchGate] See all articles in Google Scholar/ResearchGate.
11 - [Link] MEDEIROS, A. C. B.; FRANCISCON, J. F. V.; LONGO, J. B. P.; MORAES, M. V. R.; MACEDO, M. O.; BONIDIA, R. P. Grace: Sistema de Recomendação de Currículos com Inteligência Artificial. In: Workshop de Trabalhos de Alunos da Graduação (WTAG) - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANCO DE DADOS (SBBD), 2023, Belo Horizonte - MG. Workshop de Trabalhos de Alunos da Graduação (WTAG), 2023. p. 8-14.
10 - [Link] BERNARDES, D. R.; FRANCISCON, J. F. V.; ARAUJO, F. R.; OLIVEIRA, M. P.; BONIDIA, R. P. Predizendo os Vencedores dos Playoffs: Um Estudo de Caso com Aprendizado de Máquina em Partidas de Futebol Americano. In: Workshop de Trabalhos de Alunos da Graduação (WTAG) - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANCO DE DADOS (SBBD), 2023, Belo Horizonte - MG. Workshop de Trabalhos de Alunos da Graduação (WTAG), 2023. p. 22-28.
9 - [Link] CARDOZO, W. L.; PRADO, R. C.; BONIDIA, ROBSON P. Águeda: Uma Inteligência Artificial para Detecção Precoce do Câncer de Mama. In: 23 Congresso Nacional de Iniciação Científica - CONIC-SEMESP, 2023, Online. Anais CONIC-SEMESP, 2023. p. 1-6.
8 - [Link] FLORENTINO, B. R.; SANCHES, N. H.; BONIDIA, R. P.; DE CARVALHO, ANDRÉ C. P. L. F. BioPrediction: Democratizing Machine Learning in the Study of Molecular Interactions. In: XX Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, 2023, Belo Horizonte - MG. Anais do XX Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, 2023. p. 525-539.
7 - [Link] ALMEIDA, B. L. S.; QUEIROZ, A. P.; SANTOS, A. P. A.; BONIDIA, R. P.; ROCHA, U. N.; SANCHES, D. S.; CARVALHO, ACPLF. Feature Importance Analysis of Non-coding DNA/RNA Sequences Based on Machine Learning Approaches. In: Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics, 2021, Online. Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. BSB 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2021. v. 13063.
6 - [Link] CAVALCANTE, J. P. U.; GONCALVES, A. C.; BONIDIA, R. P.; SANCHES, D. S.; DE CARVALHO, ANDRE C. P. L. F. MathPIP: Classification of Proinflammatory Peptides Using Mathematical Descriptors. In: Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics, 2021, Online. Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. BSB 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2021. v. 13063.
5 - [Link] BONIDIA, ROBSON P.; SAMPAIO, L. D. H.; Lopes, Fabrício Martins; SANCHES, D. S. Feature Extraction of Long Non-coding RNAs: A Fourier and Numerical Mapping Approach. In: 24th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP), 2019, Havana. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2019. v. 11896. p. 469-479.
4 - [Link] PARMEZAN BONIDIA, ROBSON; PONCE DE LEON FERREIRA DE CARVALHO, ANDRE CARLOS; ROSSI PASCHOAL, ALEXANDRE; SIPOLI SANCHES, DANILO. Selecting the Most Relevant Features for the Identification of Long Non-Coding RNAs in Plants. In: 2019 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), 2019, Salvador. 2019 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), 2019. p. 539-544.
3 - [Link] KUROE, R.; BONIDIA, R. P.; RODRIGUES, L. A. L.; BRANCHER, J. D.; SANCHES, D. S.; NAZIMA, W.; FURTADO, F. EcoCloud: A Specialized Computer System for Elaboration Echocardiography Reports. In: Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2018, New Orleans. AMCIS 2018 Proceedings, 2018. p. 1-10.
2 - [Link] RODRIGUES, L. A. L.; BONIDIA, R. P.; BRANCHER, J. D. A Math Educational Computer Game Using Procedural Content Generation. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE INFORMÁTICA NA EDUCAÇÃO - SBIE, 2017, Recife - PE. XXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE 2017), 2017. p. 756-765.
1 - [Link] BONIDIA, R. P.; RODRIGUES, L. A. L.; BRANCHER, J. D.; CARMO, R. S.; MASSAE, C. Sistema Integrado de Gestão Esportiva: uma Ferramenta de Apoio ao Programa Talento Olímpico do Paraná. In: XIII Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2017, Lavras - MG. Information system for participatory digital governance, 2017. v. XII. p. 143-150.
[Link] [Link] - All Softwares/Tools/Packages can be viewed at these links
[Link] [Link] - BioAutoML: Automated Feature Engineering and Metalearning
[Link] - MathFeature: Feature Extraction Package for Biological Sequences Based on Mathematical Descriptors
[Link] - MathFeature - WebServer: Feature Extraction Package for Biological Sequences Based on Mathematical Descriptors
[Link] - CRISPRloci: comprehensive and accurate annotation of CRISPR–Cas systems
[Link] - Information Theory for Biological Sequences Classification: A Novel Feature Descriptor based on Tsallis Entropy
[Link] - Feature Extraction Approaches for Biological Sequences: A Comparative Study of Mathematical Features
[Link] - Identifying SARS-CoV-2 Sequences with Machine Learning: SARS-CoV-Predictor
[Link] - A Novel Decomposing Model with Evolutionary Algorithms for Feature Selection in Long Non-Coding RNAs
[Link] - Feature Extraction: A Fourier and Numerical Mapping Approach
[Link] - Identification of Long Non-Coding RNAs in Plants
[Link 51] [Link 52] - All news can be viewed at these links
[Link 50] - In just ten days, our book achieved the rank of Top 7 in Probability and Statistics and Top 9 in Science, Mathematics, and Technology categories on Amazon in terms of sales
[Link 49] - Our project is highlighted on the website of the International Development Research Center (IDRC - Canada)
[Link 48] - Steering Committee Meeting, bringing together leaders from all four regions; Africa, Asia, LAC, & MENA
[Link 47] - Dr. Robson in the Legislative Assembly — São Paulo — Alesp — Health in the State of São Paulo: Panorama, Challenges and Opportunities
[Link 46] - Debate at the Legislative Assembly — São Paulo — Alesp — Health in the State of São Paulo: Panorama, Challenges and Opportunities
[Link 45] - Astronaut and Federal Senate of Brazil Marcos Pontes posts about the importance of our project
[Link 44] - Fatec Project Puts AI to Work in the Fight Against Breast Cancer
[Link 43] - Award-Winning Works from the 23rd CONIC-SEMESP
[Link 42] - Falling Walls Lab - Breaking the Wall of Fake News Detection - Brazil winner
[Link 41] - AI research guided at ICMC/USP will represent Brazil at COP-28, in Dubai
[Link 40] - FEMS Research and Training Grant 2023 - Recipients Articles - Robson Parmezan Bonidia. IBBS World - Newsletter of the International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Society
[Link 39] - Our students received honors for the project - Is That True?
[Link 38] - Article Published in the 25th edition of the Professor Mário Palmério Top Educational Award - ABMES - 2023 - Elected among the 5 most transformative projects in Brazil
[Link 37] - Honorable mention to the BioFatecou Project (more than 200 submissions) - 25th edition of the Professor Mário Palmério Top Educational Award - ABMES - 2023 - Elected among the 5 most transformative projects in Brazil
[Link 36] - Honorable mention to the BioFatecou Project (more than 200 submissions) - 25th edition of the Professor Mário Palmério Top Educational Award - ABMES - 2023 - Elected among the 5 most transformative projects in Brazil
[Link 35] - Our Student shares his experience at the Falling Walls Lab 2023 Final in Berlin
[Link 34] - BioPrediction Framework - WebPage - Prototypes for Humanity
[Link 33] - VEJA - AutoAI-Pandemics in the main Brazilian news magazine
[Link 32] - Google scholarship program awards work guided by CeMEAI
[Link 31] - Google announces projects that will have US$500,000 for research; 14 are Brazilian
[Link 30] - Google announces projects that will provide US$500,000 for research in Latin America
[Link 29] - Google incentive program awards 14 Brazilian works
[Link 28] - Seven projects supported by FAPESP are among the 24 winners of awards promoted by Google
[Link 27] - Meet the winners of the 9th edition of LARA, Google's research grant program
[Link 26] - Google scholarship program awards Robson Bonidia
[Link 25] - Fatec (Prof. Robson Bonidia - BioFatecou Project) reaches the final of the Educator Transformador award
[Link 24] - AutoAI-Pandemics in the Gizmodo-Uol news magazine
[Link 23] - AutoAI-Pandemics in the PODER360 news magazine
[Link 22] - Project proposes to create a platform based on artificial intelligence to help combat epidemics
[Link 21] - York U program helps fund 16 Global South health-care hubs to combat infectious diseases
[Link 20] - CeMEAI supports project selected in global call for AI in public health
[Link 19] - DWIH - Falling Walls Lab Brazil 2023 awards platform that uses machine learning to combat fake news
[Link 18] - Students from Fatec Ourinhos will compete in the world stage of the Falling Walls Lab
[Link 17] - Unifesp hosts the national final of Falling Walls Lab Brazil
[Link 16] - Rádio UNESP - Fatec students in Ourinhos develop an app to identify fake news
[Link 15] - Livestream Lab Pitches - Falling Walls Science Summit, 2023
[Link 14] - Final of the Falling Walls Lab Brazil 2023 event at Uifesp, 2023
[Link 13] - TV Band - Application for checking 'Fake News' created at Fatec de Ourinhos is among the 100 best ideas in the world, 2023
[Link 12] - TV TEM (Globo) - Application for checking 'Fake News' created at Fatec de Ourinhos is among the 100 best ideas in the world, 2023
[Link 11] - Globo - Application for checking 'Fake News' created at Fatec de Ourinhos is among the 100 best ideas in the world, 2023
[Link 10] - ÁGUEDA Project (Artificial Intelligence for Early Detection of Breast Cancer), recognized as the best ongoing research project in the field of Exact and Earth Sciences in Brazil for undergraduate scientific initiation by Conic-Semesp (the Largest Scientific Initiation Congress in Brazil), among more than 1,200 registered projects, 2023
[Link 9] - ÁGUEDA Project (Artificial Intelligence for Early Detection of Breast Cancer), recognized as the best ongoing research project in the field of Exact and Earth Sciences in Brazil for undergraduate scientific initiation by Conic-Semesp (the Largest Scientific Initiation Congress in Brazil), among more than 1,200 registered projects, 2023
[Link 8] - Our student Denis Tavares da Silva opens the Falling Wall Lab World Final, presenting the project - Is That True?
[Link 7] - AI research guided at ICMC/USP will represent Brazil at COP-28, in Dubai, 2023
[Link 6] - Students Denis Tavares da Silva and Gustavo Grandisolli Zwicker, from Fatec Ourinhos, presented the ITT project – Is that true? to the Board of Directors of the Brazil-Germany Chamber, 2023
[Link 5] - Fatec students compete for a place in the Falling Walls Lab Brazil Final - 2023
[Link 4] - Honorable mention to the BioFatecou Project, 2023
[Link 3] - Ana Clara B. Medeiros et. al, 2nd place at the 1st Cambará Ideas Fair, Grace: Resume Recommendation System with Artificial Intelligence, 2023.
[Link 2] - Wagner Lopes Cardozo, 3rd place at the 1st Cambará Ideas Fair, Águeda: An Artificial Intelligence for Early Detection of Breast Cancer
[Link 1] - Águeda Project - Finalist - GeniusFight 2023